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Monday 11 March 2013

the curious case of the bad jungler

Warwick, right?

 So as of right now the one of the original junglers Warwick is complete shit. Even support characters like Taric outshine him in almost every way. Taric's clear time, ganks, and utility are all better currently than our furry friend. Taric is one of the only junglers playable right now with the point click stun aspect, which is a huge novelty. He has good sustain, AoE clears, and fabulous stuns. Just seems a bit silly that the support hero is outclassing one of the original three heroes labled as a "Jungler".

At the same time this is one of the hardest changes for Riot to adjust. Warwick is a champion where he is too weak in the jungle or completely busted in top lane. His top lane was diminished by reducing the cost of his Hungering Strike and few other minor tweaks. Like one can't exist without the other. There can't be a good TopWick and JungleWick. This champ is too hard to balance. Things Riot needs to consider is making his abilities deal more damage to neutral creeps and increase his attack speed per level. Like I said however, its an incredibly hard change to make happen. I'm almost 100% positive they are fully aware that Warwick sucks the dick pretty hard right now, they just can't find a suitable change to not make his top lance presence get ridiculous.

League of Legends bigger than Instagram?

So say Riot workers, and with great justification, their creation has blown up over the past few years and caused a paradigm shift in the gaming world, spawning an era of free to play, micro-transaction financed games (DUST 514, Planetside 2, etc).

Curse Blogger explains why League of Legends in bigger than Instagram

The difference with League of Legends lies with its ability to captivate its audience, you don't need to be a level 30 challenge tier ranked player to notice and acknowledge the skill involved in the seemingly random cacophony of mouseclicks.  This quickly lead to spawn a series of professional tournament circuits and weekly ladder matches to compete and earn entry, with thousands of participants and thousands more in the audience.

In it's 3rd competitive season and 4+ years running, League of Legends is still growing at an incredible rate, and is holding strong as one of today's strongest MOBAs

Friday 8 March 2013

League of Legends Mac Client Released!

after years of will-they won't-they with a struggling mac client, it has finally reached (beta)completion!

I fully support this, as this saturates the already horrible population with more bad players, I mean, who takes Mac users seriously in the gaming world?

I must congratulate Riot for their work though, this is a triumphant success for them, and their marketing team surely deserves some praise, hell even a standing ovation.